Casually (2)

Game Name: Breath of Fire III

md5sum: 864cb96c4e1d556b8091b05a33768683


Added by: Pongball  Added: 2002-02-11

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 06/02/2001 21:32:23

Uploaded by:  (Louie De Vera)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Sony Playstation
Game Name: Breath of Fire III
Song Title: Casually (2)
Sequenced by: Louie De Vera  Originally Composed by: Akari Kaida & Yoshino Aoki

Other Information: If you dont think this is accurate to the original, then you must be the composer of the darn thing...

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Perc. [I tried to pan them, but it messed up all the other percusiion tracks}
Perc. 2
Synth Bass
Grand Piano; Sequenced by Louie DeVera***Original composed by Akari Kaida & Yoshino Aoki
Guitar Snap *****Breath of Fire III***** - "Casually" [Childhood Overworld Theme]
Vibes; Suggested soundfont; 1st: Utopia Live! 2nd: Unison 3rd: Fluid
E. Piano; The E. Piano in Unison.sf2 sounds alot like the one on the original...
Slow Strings; Change thistrack to "Strings 1" if it sounds too "Sluiggish"
E. Piano Echo
E. Piano 2
E. Piano 2nd Echo
Track 9
E. Piano 2