Game Name: Final Fantasy 9
md5sum: 86b8f01e0cf8059edbcf656146637272 by: ForteBlast Added: 2002-08-11 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 07/08/2002 19:00:08 Uploaded by: (Daniel Wright) File Type: MIDI Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Final Fantasy 9 Song Title: Steiner To the Rescue Sequenced by: Daniel Wright Song Originally Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu Other Information: Hi there! Thanks for looking at this! This is another MIDI of an FF9 FMV. Yet again, it's nowhere near as good a sound as in the original version, so don't expect anything amazing. Still, took a good 4 hours hard work this one. Still, I love working with orchestras, and with Uematsu's music, so I don't mind! Your comments and complaints are welcome at either: (my main address, ffviii_squaresoft won't fit in a MIDI track name so that's why I got another account!) Excuse me for going on an' on an' on (especially to the host for using up valuable web space) Daniel Wright Midi TrackName Analysis: By Nobuo Uematsu seq. Daniel Wright Generated by NoteWorthy Composer Piccolo Flutes 1, 2 Oboes 1, 2 Clarinets 1, 2 in Bb Bassons 1, 2 Horns in F 1, 2 Horns 3, 4 Trumpet 1 in Bb Trumpets 2, 3 in Bb Trombones 1, 2, 3 Tuba Snare Drum Hand Cymbals Timpani 1 Marimba Violin I Violin II Viola Violoncello Double