Game Name: Demon's Crest
md5sum: 8a83592d3efeade698f4e3b0d3f68e9f by: Suds Added: 2003-04-30 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 03/24/2003 22:07:22 Uploaded by: (D. Harasymovich) Proxied for: Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Demon's Crest Song Title: Level 1 (2) Sequenced by: D. Harasymovich Other Information: This soundtrack is highly underrated. A pity. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 9 Delta Time Setting: 1536 -Copyright Event Analysis- 1995 Capcom Co. Ltd. -Midi TrackName Analysis- Demon's Crest - Level 1 Church Organ 1 Organ 2 Organ 3 String Melody Strings Low Strings Harpsichord Harpsichord Echo Harpsichord Echo