The Tinkerer

Game Name: Secret of Evermore

md5sum: 8b6655363ee6af4c9d5bf12fe818ca04


Added by: Mark Jansen  Added: 2001-08-16
File URL is
Uploaded by:  (Jorge D. Fuentes)
File Type: MIDI
Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Secret of Evermore
Song Title: The Tinkerer
Sequenced by: Jorge D. Fuentes  Originally Composed by: Jeremy Soule
Other Information: 
I found out the composer's name.  Yey!
I also don't know the actual title of the piece, so I named it after the location and the order of music I hear in that location.

Edit:  The Soundtrack lists it as "The Tinkerer"
-The Jade Emperor

Midi TrackName Analysis:
Generated by NoteWorthy Composer
1. Orchestral Harp
2. Lower Harp/L. Chorus
3. Celesta Music Box
4. Warmness 1
5. Warmness 2
6. Lower Warmness
7. Lower Warmness 2