Bean The Dynamite Duck - Try Again

Game Name: Sonic the Fighters

md5sum: 8bbd98a263a44bb9eccc409a812cfca4


Added by: Mark Jansen  Added: 2001-08-16

File URL is

Uploaded by:  (Magnus Andersson)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Arcade
Game Name: Sonic the Fighters
Song Title: Bean The Dynamite Duck - Try Again
Sequenced by: Magnus Andersson  Information: 

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Sonic the Fighters
For Sega Arcade
(C) Sega AM2 - 1996
Sequenced in September 2000 by:
Magnus  to Solly in France! :)
Fun info: Bean appeared for the first
time in the game "Dynamite Dx" for
Sega Master System. Actually he was
a human...