Black Hole (2)

Game Name: Star Fox

md5sum: 8e32967a7081eadbc848459be644b2c1


Added by: Dave Harris  Added: 2010-05-21

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 03/16/2010 14:18:51

Uploaded by:  (King Meteor)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Star Fox
Song Title: Black Hole (2)
Sequenced by: King Meteor
Other Information: I'm not quite sure why I wanted to sequence this song.
I guess it's because it was easy and there wasn't a decent MIDI on VGMusic.
And, unlike Jarel Jones, I didn't loop my MIDI 32 times. (Seriously, what was he thinking?)

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 7
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
49 -- String Ensemble 1
109 -- Kalimba
109 -- Kalimba (echo)
100 -- Atmosphere FX
100 -- Atmosphere FX (echo)
"Black Hole" from StarFox, sequenced by King Meteor