Iscalio's Country-Side Theme (WinGroove)

Game Name: Brigandine

md5sum: 93c3f6b6499eaf10ae5e2ef80de836e4!.mid


Added by: Pong64  Added: 2000-09-16

File URL is!.mid

Uploaded by:  (Rie Lenka)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Sony Playstation
Game Name: Brigandine
Song Title: Iscalio's Country-Side Theme (WinGroove)
Sequenced by: Rie Lenka  Originally Composed by: Yumiko Mori / Atsushi Noguchi / Yusuke Yada

Other Information: 
The only changes between this one and the previous uploaded ISCALIO.MID:
-some volume adjustments
-removed FX4-Atmosphere track
-changed a Distortion guitar to overdrive guitar
Sounds great in WinGroove, but not as good in General MIDI compared to the previous version.

Midi TrackName Analysis:

BGM-Iscalio's Theme
Composed by:
Yumiko Mori / Atsushi Noguchi
/ Yusuke Yada

Sequenced by:
Rie Lenka

E-Mail  June 5 2000!