Instructions / Password (3)

Game Name: Pilotwings

md5sum: 943fea91e7b2be5ac05737e87f415072


Added by: Dave Harris  Added: 2008-04-14

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 03/15/2008 11:03:22

Uploaded by:  (Blitz Lunar)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Pilotwings
Song Title: Instructions / Password (3)
Sequenced by: Blitz Lunar
Song Originally Composed by: Soyo Oka
Other Information: wonderful!

just discovered this was the third time it's been sequenced. oh well :) only took like 20 minutes.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 7
Delta Time Setting: 480

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Pilotwings - "Flight Club"
Composed by Soyo Oka
Sequenced by: Dave / Blitz Lunar
March 15th 2008
even though it'd been  Name Analysis-
GM Device  1
GM Device  2
GM Device  3
GM Device  4
GM Device  5
GM Device  6

-Marker Analysis-
MIDI sequenced 2008 by Blitz Lunar