Game Name: Suikoden 2
md5sum: 94fb2863a17f0a84f11b39f8e16d6bbb by: Dave Harris Added: 2008-02-05 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 11/01/2007 05:02:15 Uploaded by: (Paul Soh AKA UDeepEX) Proxied for: Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Suikoden 2 Song Title: Old Castle Level 3 and 4 - "A Bustling Town" Sequenced by: Paul Soh AKA UDeepEX Song Originally Composed by: Miki Higashino Other Information: Don't confuse between the other one. The other one is Castle's Level 1 and 2. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 14 Delta Time Setting: 120 -Text Analysis- Miki Higashino Easy to do. The wheels are abit tideous but nothing i cannot take care off Enjoy -Copyright Event Analysis- Copyright 2007 by Paul Soh -Midi TrackName Analysis- Genso Suikoden - Riou's Headquarter's Level 3 Percussions Piccolo Strings Harmonica Electric Bass Acoustic Bass Accordion Orchestra Hit Fiddle Shanai Flute Cello Strings