Ending Theme

Game Name: Dragon Ball Z: The Legend of Super Son Goku (Japan)

md5sum: 953db21236c67042111a93609f684446



Added by: Pong64  Added: 2000-11-10

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/dbz_songoku.zip

Uploaded by:  (George J. Vallant)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Dragon Ball Z: The Legend of Super Son Goku (Japan)
Song Title: Ending Theme
Sequenced by: George J  Information: 

				     All MIDIs done by
				     George J. Vallant

				         Thanks to

			 - Akira Toriyama and Toei for 
			   creating the Dragon Ball mythos.
			 - Bandai for creating the video games.

	The MIDIs may not be posted on personal websites, modified, reproduced or used for
	other purposes without permission of the author.
	Best listened to on Roland Sound Canvas or 
	Yamaha GM compatible sound cards.

	See ya soon!

	G.J. Vallant
	Germany, Saturday 5 Aug 2000 22:18

	Email:      http://www.getstuff.de


	Dragon Ball Z: The Legend of Super Son Goku,
	all characters, names and soundtracks
	are trademarks of Bandai.
	All rights reserved Bandai (c)1993 (?)