Magitek Factory - "Devil's Lab. " (AWE)

Game Name: Final Fantasy III

md5sum: 990d6bb91bb660e8fd67ecfacb9e3855


Added by: Princess Peach Toadstool  Added: 1998-12-23

File URL is

Uploaded by:  (Justin R.)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Final Fantasy III
Song Title: Magitek Factory - "Devil's Lab. " (AWE)
Other Information: to hear this midi exactly like it does on the SNES , go to download the "Final Fantasy6" zip file, then load it into your AWE-based card, and enjoy

Midi TrackName Analysis:

By Nobuo Uematsu
Generated by NoteWorthy Composer
Devil's Lab
Sequenced by
Shane Turner for the
Final Fantasy Soundfont
Original song by
Nobuo Uematsu
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