Game Name: Mega Man X2
md5sum: 9957bfe2b0ca5e0b00f11605895f897b by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 1999-04-18 File URL is Uploaded by: (Jarel Jones) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Mega Man X2 Song Title: X-Hunter Battle Sequenced by: Jarel Jones Information: This is the beginning of a large collection of ALL the MMX2 midis that I have done. A few of them have been uploaded already by other people, but I want to upload them since they're mine, and all of them are not up here anyway. I hope you enjoy these! The complete set of MMX1 midis will be coming soon. Midi TrackName Analysis: Generated by NoteWorthy Composer Staff Staff-1 Staff-2 Staff-3 Staff-4