Prelude (Orchestrated)

Game Name: Final Fantasy 7

md5sum: 9a2262deadc4ef398b37989586abe728


Added by: nZero  Added: 2002-10-21

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 12/18/2001 20:18:57

Uploaded by:  (ForgottenLore)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Sony Playstation
Game Name: Final Fantasy 7
Song Title: Prelude (Orchestrated)
Sequenced by: ForgottenLore
Song Originally Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu

Other Information: 

If you play this song through a sequencer, you can hear the following instruments:

1.  Nylon-stringed guitar

2.  Flute

3.  Cello

4.  Grand Piano

5.  String Choir

The counter melody is one I wrote myself while testing the Nylon Guitar/String Choir/Cello combination.  It's best heard at about 1:00 in the song itself.

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Nylonstr. Gt.*recorded
Syn. Strings1*recorded
Cello *recorded
Flute *recorded