Game Name: Super Mario RPG
md5sum: 9d84c3e4cfb5e2c99c2b2ad12f0349fa by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 1999-10-24 File URL is Uploaded by: (Alluro95) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Super Mario RPG Song Title: Rose Town Sequenced by: Alluro95 Originally Composed by: Yoko Shimomura Other Information: Many thanks go to Powerlord and Peach for help in this MIDI.The famous Rose Town theme from SMRPG -Alluro (Really good sequence coming from you, just like I thought it would be. -Peach) Midi TrackName Analysis: Melody Melody 2 Trumpet Trombone Sax Strings Bells Hi-Hats Bass Drum/Pedal Hat Ride Cymbal Rose Town (Super Mario RPG) (c) 1996 Nintendo/Square Original composer: Yoko Shimomura MIDI version: Alluro95 Send comments to: Filename: ROSETOWN.MID Thanks go to Powerlord and Peach for help!