Game Name: Mega Man 10
md5sum: 9f47008b38a146725f3108325dfde9c5 comments powered by DisqusAdded by: Jace Hill Date Added: 2019-11-20 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 12/18/2009 20:40:25 Uploaded by: (Levus) Game System: Nintendo Wii Game Name: Mega Man 10 Song Title: Nitro Man's Stage - "Nitro Rider" (3) Sequenced by: Levus Other Information: This theme plays in the Mega Man 10 trailer. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 7 Delta Time Setting: 192 -Midi TrackName Analysis- Square 1 Triangle Square 2 Square 2 (Echo) Square 1 (Echo) Percussion