Game Name: R-Type
md5sum: a38b8c4aa3d3807fdbcba70c4a434f68 by: Mark Jansen Added: 2000-08-18 File URL is Uploaded by: (Chuck Dodgers) File Type: MIDI Game System: Commodore 64 Game Name: R-Type Song Title: Level 1 (R-Type 3 style) Sequenced by: Chuck Dodgers Originally Composed by: Chris Huelsbeck Other Information: A sort of cross breed betw. the original and Super R-Type 3 level 1 Midi TrackName Analysis: Saw LeadGuit LeadSynth Bass Bass2 BLead Drums R-Type Level 1 (R-Type 3 -style) Orig. by Chris Huelsbeck Seq. by Chuck