Level 2

Game Name: LED Storm

md5sum: a55f02b71d5236024896d31e65a4fe59



Added by: Dave Harris  Added: 2007-09-05

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/LEDStorm_Amiga_leve2.mid
Upload Date and Time: 04/15/2006 21:37:20

Uploaded by:  (Sean Bee)

Game System: Commodore Amiga
Game Name: LED Storm
Song Title: Level 2
Sequenced by: Sean Bee
Song Originally Composed by: Tim Follin
Other Information: Original composition  1989 U.S. Gold/GO Entertainment (Software Creations)

Yes I'm aware the string lead sounds a bit dodgy in places (due more to the decay clashing with the pitch bends). I may yet upload another version without it, but it does sound more authentic as it is, so it stays for the time being.

(it's fine - Dave)

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 20
Delta Time Setting: 120

-Text Analysis-
Sean Bee 2005

-Copyright Event Analysis-
Original Composition Copyright  1989 US Gold/GO Entertainment (Software Creations)

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
LED Storm (Commodore Amiga Version) - Level 2
main bass
Backup bass1
Backup bass 2
bright backing
string chords
string chord backup
main chords 1
main chords 2
saw lead
guitar lead
guitar lead backup
string lead
string lead backup 1
distorted guitar
Original Composition Copyright  1989 US Gold/GO Entertainment (Software Creations)
Sequenced by: Sean Bee 2005