Dimension of Reverie (XG)

Game Name: Touhou 5: Mystic Square

md5sum: a95b7250500c07cd0ae2fcd4e46b5bf8

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Added by: Daniel Lawrence  Added: 2010-05-23

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/touhou_5_stage2_remix_xg.mid
Upload Date and Time: 03/12/2010 08:11:13

Uploaded by:  (Gyana Ren)
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Game System: PC-98
Game Name: Touhou 5: Mystic Square
Song Title: Dimension of Reverie (XG)
Sequenced by: Gyana Ren
Other Information: Touhou 5: Mystic Square
Dimension of Reverie

My another arranged version(or remastered?) of touhou 5. This attempt I try to make it like dream dimension variation, but it didn't sound as it is like a dream or some sort of it...haha

Anyway, it's for XG synth(so if you have better XG synth it will sound nice hehe)

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 14
Delta Time Setting: 120

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Dimension of Reverie - Arranged Version [For Yamaha XG]
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Dimension of Reverie
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Dimension of Reverie
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Dimension of Reverie
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Dimension of Reverie
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Dimension of Reverie
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Dimension of Reverie
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Dimension of Reverie
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Dimension of Reverie
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Dimension of Reverie
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Dimension of Reverie
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Dimension of Reverie
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Dimension of Reverie
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Dimension of Reverie

-Marker Analysis-
Touhou 5: Mystic Square - Dimension of Reverie
Arranged Version
For Yamaha XG