Game Name: Battletoads and Double Dragon
md5sum: ac278fdd01b34d1226e728399071eb63 by: B1itz Lunar Added: 2006-02-06 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 12/07/2005 14:40:20 Uploaded by: (Robert Hansson) Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Battletoads and Double Dragon Song Title: Level 4 (3) Sequenced by: Robert Hansson Song Originally Composed by: Dave Wise Other Information: So there; noticed a little error in the file which I managed to clean up. ;) So there; noticed a little error in the file which I managed to clean up. ;) -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 20 Delta Time Setting: 192 -Midi TrackName Analysis- Rhythm (Power Kit) Sweep Pad Tremolo Strings (Main) String Ensemble 2 String Ensemble 1 Clav French Horn Choir Pad Taiko Drum Taiko Drum (Echo) Tremolo Strings (Secondary) Tremolo Strings (Secondary) (Echo) Super Nintendo Entertainment System Game: "Battle Toads & Double Dragon" Track: "Level 4" Sequenced by: Robert as Horn on VGMusic Forums