Game Name: Front Mission 3
md5sum: acfa3bc220032ea21228174cd2001a39 by: Daniel Lawrence Added: 2011-01-16 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 08/31/2010 21:42:25 Uploaded by: ifurkend(aatt)hotmail(ddoott)com (Thomash Lee) Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Front Mission 3 Song Title: Final Battle (v1.4) Sequenced by: Thomash Lee Other Information: -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 19 Delta Time Setting: 120 -Text Analysis- org composer: Hayato Matsuo, gm transcriptor: Thomash Lee Front Mission 3 ost disc 2 track 16 -Copyright Event Analysis- Squaresoft 1999 -Midi TrackName Analysis- Final Battle / Determination Front Mission 3rd choir r choir l church organ strings 1 strings 2 strings 3 trumpet f.horn tuba/trombone flute tub.bell timpani rev.cymbal cymbal snare bass drum congo gong sub. orch hit -Marker Analysis- trailer start loop back