Game Name: Breath of Fire
md5sum: ae15476de58572e4a5c3147375e89d4c by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 1999-10-24 File URL is Uploaded by: (Electric Mew) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Breath of Fire Song Title: Alan and Cerl Forever (3) (v1.1) Sequenced by: Electric Mew Information: Finally found out this is the ballad song of some sorts. Anyway, there's alot of small things fixed in this version. Midi TrackName Analysis: (Okay, so i've only played part of Breath of Fire. I have no idea where this song plays in the game, I just liked the tune so i d Piano LH Piano RH Intro (Unknown Instrument) Strings Section Right String Section Left Flute