Miners and Climbers (Remix)

Game Name: Lemmings

md5sum: aebb183235c93e20408e7307b007d1ee



Added by: Pongball  Added: 2002-09-26

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/B1L_lemmings_minersandclimbers.mid
Upload Date and Time: 08/30/2002 13:42:17

Uploaded by:  (B1itz Lunar)
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Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Lemmings
Song Title: Miners and Climbers (Remix)
Sequenced by: B1itz Lunar  Information: Did this totally from scratch, and I didn't use SuperJukebox at ALL [suprisingly]. Well this is for XG, if you don't have XG you won't hear the distortion on the guitar, the square wave II and saw wave II, and I think you need at least GS to hear the portamento on the saw wave II. Sorry about the end, I was going to put more too it but it seemed ok as it was so I left it. I hope you like it, comments as always are welcome : -  Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 10
Delta Time Setting: 480

-Text Analysis-
"Miners And Climbers" From Lemmings on Amiga, NES and SNES
Sequenced, Arranged and Remixed by B1itz Lunar
For Yamaha XG play back
I think this is finished, I could do more to it, tell me what you think.
E-mail or MSN Messenger: -  TrackName Analysis-
"Miners + Climbers" - Lemmings
Sequenced, Arranged and Remixin
By B1itz Lunar, 2002
Start: - ?? Fin: -30th Aug 02
Best played back with XG
But audible on general midi
First attempt with distortion=D
E-mail | MSN:  Name Analysis-
all Channels
GM Orchestra Hits
GM Slap Bass II
XG Charang + Distortion
GM Saw Wave I
GM Metal Pad
XG Square Wave II
XG Saw Wave II