Credits (Extended Medley)

Game Name: Sonic the Hedgehog

md5sum: b16e61537dd87029593530262c615074


Added by: Dave Harris  Added: 2008-11-17

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 10/25/2008 17:17:32

Uploaded by:  (Digital Duck)

Game System: Piano Only - Sega Genesis
Game Name: Sonic the Hedgehog
Song Title: Credits (Extended Medley)
Sequenced by: Digital Duck
Other Information: An extended version of the credits of Sonic the Hedgehog, using Anvil Studio and based on arrangements by Gori Fater. Channel 1 is right hand part, channel 2 is left hand part.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 3
Delta Time Setting: 256

-Copyright Event Analysis-
Digital Duck

-Midi TrackName Analysis-