Natural History Museum [Disc 2] - "Wheel of Fortune" (v2.0)

Game Name: Parasite Eve

md5sum: b6e470bb757f1e1b0111b0f9402bbddf


Added by: nZero  Added: 2004-04-06

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 05/02/2003 23:06:41

Uploaded by:  (Xerxes)

Game System: Sony Playstation
Game Name: Parasite Eve
Song Title: Natural History Museum [Disc 2] - "Wheel of Fortune" (v2.0)
Sequenced by: Xerxes  Originally Composed by: Yoko Shimomura
Other Information: Hopefully improved.  Dedicated to whoever 
rejected the original version, since otherwise
this version would never have been made. 
Sequenced entirely in WinJammer Shareware.

I made this to sound good to me on my SBLive card
using the Microsoft GS Wavetable Software Synth, 
and using my favorite, self-made reverb settings
in the Environmental Audio control panel.  Here
are those reverb settings, which you can input
manually into your own Environmental Audio
settings if you have an SBLive card.

In the Environmental Audio control panel,
highlight Reverb and click the button
labeled "Parameters", then input the following:

Room HF -5.1
Decay Time 7.03 sec
HF Decay Ratio 2.00
Early Reflections 7.2 dB
Reflections Delay: 70 msec
Late Reverb 20.0 dB
Reverb Delay 70 msec
Size 83.5 meters
Diffusion 60%
Air Absorption HF 0.00 dB/m
HF (High Frequency) 16000 Hz
Detuning Rate 0.0 Hz
Detuning Depth 0%
Scale Decay Time Off
Scale Reflections Off
Scale Reflections Delay Off
Scale Reverb Off
Scale Reverb Delay Off
Limit Decay HF Off
Echo Depth 0%
Echo Rate 10.2 Hz
Reflections Pan Azimuth 150 degrees
Reflections Pan Divergence 100%
Reverb Pan Azimuth -150 degrees
Reverb Pan Divergence 100%
Scale Echo Rate On
Scale Modulation Rate On

Back in the first section of the Environmental
Audio panel, when "Reverb" is highlighted, there
is a sliding setting labeled "Master Reverb
Amount", which you'll probably need to adjust to
preference. I usually use about 4-14% reverb
while I'm using headphones, sometimes more,
sometimes less, depending on the song.  With 
speakers, generally more reverb is acceptable.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 15
Delta Time Setting: 120

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo

-Instrument Name Analysis-
Conductor Track