The Man with the Machine Gun (XG)

Game Name: Final Fantasy 8

md5sum: b6fe27aa482151bc39bb8e9a7339f6eb


Added by: Princess Peach Toadstool  Added: 1999-10-24

File URL is

Uploaded by:  (B. Kehler)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Sony Playstation
Game Name: Final Fantasy 8
Song Title: The Man with the Machine Gun (XG)
Sequenced by: B. Kehler  Originally Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu 

Other Information: This midi is for XG only because General Midi can't seem to support the multiple drum kits, special instruments, ect.

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Generated by NoteWorthy Composer
P2-Chiff Lead
P3-Sawtooth Lead
P4-Synth Voice 2
P5-Fretless Bass
P10-Standard Kit
P6-Square Lead
P7-Sine Lead
P14-Sine Lead
P8-Warm Trumpet
P9-Synth Strings 1
P11-Analog Kit
P12-Analog Kit
P15-Grand Piano
P16-Grand Piano