Game Name: Vagrant Story
md5sum: b950adeef5885ea8a2b24a3f5ba6c58b by: The_Sorcerer Added: 2003-08-08 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 05/19/2003 08:54:50 Uploaded by: (Thomash Lee) Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Vagrant Story Song Title: Reminiscence (SC8850) Sequenced by: Thomash Lee Song Originally Composed by: Hitoshi Sakimoto Other Information: added reverb sysx, cc72 release, cc74 cut-off changed some volume, reverb and velocity -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 7 Delta Time Setting: 480 -Text Analysis- org composer: Hitoshi Sakimoto gm sequencer: Thomash Lee Vagrant Story ost disc 1 track 7 Ashley's reminiscence -Copyright Event Analysis- 2000 Squaresoft -Midi TrackName Analysis- Reminiscence Vagrant Story flute piano piano string slow string triangle