Game Name: Prince of Persia
md5sum: ba33dc115dad5fb19c57fc1b2c462540 by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 1999-03-06 File URL is Uploaded by: (PJ Barnes) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Prince of Persia Song Title: Prologue Sequenced by: PJ Barnes Information: Instruments in this song were difficult toreproduce with standard Midi instruments.- Clarinet was used for the Persian flute thing.- Brass and Strings together make up the intense,unusual instrument.- The Middle Eastern crashing clanging instrumentwas implemented using two different cymbalssimultaneously.- Timpani was used for the bongo-like deep drums.- Clavinet was used for the chimes that appearat the end.Some channels echoed other channels on the originalSNES file, and I've done the same here.What's missing:A decrescendo on some tracks for measure 29.Enjoy! --PJ Midi TrackName Analysis: Prince of Persia Intro / Bass Drum Chimes Supplement track 3 Echo track 1 Echo track 2 Echo part of track 3 Supplement track 11