Game Name: Final Fantasy 8
md5sum: bb4cabd1bb7928943eacf9b160bd2b00 by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 1999-03-06 File URL is Uploaded by: (Mathew Valente [TSSF]) File Type: MIDI Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Final Fantasy 8 Song Title: Julia's Piano Solo Sequenced by: Mathew Valente Originally Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu Other Information: Complete Thanks goes to Amber Ritchie (sorry foridiots stealing your recordings :/ Thank you forthis one tho, this is a beautiful song) Midi TrackName Analysis: Piano 1 Piano 2 Piano 3 Piano 4 Piano 5 Piano 6 Tracked by: Mathew goes to MissSchala for giving me the MP3 Thank you! :) (Couldn't do it without you)