Game Name: Super Street Fighter II
md5sum: bb5d4b4a823e9915a5354c7e2054e612 by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 1999-12-18 File URL is Uploaded by: (Jarel Jones) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Super Street Fighter II Song Title: Character Select Sequenced by: Jarel Jones Information: I know I said I would do Ken and Sagat next, but I decided to skip around and do this (with a little prodding from a fan, and since this is the easiest SSF2 song to change to midi; even easier than the two second high score diddy in fact). Once again, I remember how much I hate to set schedules for myself. So in other words, expect many more SSF2 midis, but don't expect them in any specific order. :) Midi TrackName Analysis: By Capcom, Remixed by Jarel Jones Generated by NoteWorthy Composer Brass/Vibraphone Slap Bass Synth Bass Vibraphone Lead 1 Vibraphone Lead 2 Tremolo Strings 1 Tremolo Strings 2 Drums Cymbals