Game Name: Xenogears
md5sum: bb7fdbeae6608c502df24525af06b807 by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 2000-02-20 File URL is Uploaded by: (Kaijin) File Type: MIDI Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Xenogears Song Title: Emotion (Emotional Overload Remix) Sequenced by: Koji Yamamoto Song Originally Composed by: Yasunori Mitsuda Other Information: This was the 4th in a collection of remixes I did with this song. KaiXG.mid being the first (which placed 2nd place out of 20 some entries at the RPGamer X-midi-1 competition) and second being Finalmotion.mid which is also in the VGmusic archives. The third was unreleased to the public but can be found at under Remakes. And now I bring you my 4th Emotion mix. I hope you like it, also you might want to listen to my Chrono Cross remixes, also uploaded to this archive. Hopefully you'll enjoy those aswell. Till next time - Koji Yamamoto, Kaijin Creations Midi TrackName Analysis: Do not mess with my midi.. have some respect for the author for gods sake. A1-Nylonstr.Gt A2-Trumpet A3-Trombone A4-Trombone A5-Nylonstr.Gt A6-Steelstr.Gt A7-SlowStrings A8-SlowStrings A9-SlowStrings A10-STANDARD 1 A11-FingeredBs2 A12-SlowStrings A13-SynStrings1 A14-STANDARD 1 A15-String ES 1 A16-String ES 1 A17-STANDARD 1