Run! Run!

Game Name: Terranigma

md5sum: bd60216dde314ae4ef4951e040b0e402


Added by: Suds  Added: 2002-09-06

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 08/15/2002 13:28:45

Uploaded by:  (B1itz Lunar)
Proxied for:

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Terranigma
Song Title: Run!  Run!  
Sequenced by: B1itz Lunar
Song Original Composed by: Enix
Other Information: Just a quickie [lol], made it some time late at night [forgot now, I've slept once since I made it] but it says in the tracknames anyway. Made for VGM, and I'm really getting the hang of this Super Nintendo MIDI sequencing now =D. Hope you like this, all comments and suggestions welcome!

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 11
Delta Time Setting: 480

-Text Analysis-
Terranigma "Run! Run!" Midi Game / Side Quest music
Sequenced in 30 min by B1itz Lunar, finished on the dawn of the 15th August, 2002
Contact me if you are interested in hearing this [and of course all other MIDIs] in splendivorous Yamaha XG
This file doesn't need XG though...only the saw wave II, and it isn't crucial
This is sooooo basic
But still I hope it's enjoyable =)
Contact Me through MSN or E-mail:  please, no spam thank you

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Terranigma - "Run! Run!"
Mini Game Music
Sequenced by: B1itz Lunar
Started and Finished 14th Aug
In about 30 min? Not long...
Finished on the dawn of the15th
GM Compatible apart from Saw II
For non-Yamaha XG users
Hacked YXGSoftSyn No time  Name Analysis-
Terranigma - "Run! Run!"
Low Trombone
Steel String High
Steel String Low
Saw Wave II
No Instrument
No Instrument
Kick + Hi-Hat