Alan and Cerl Forever (4)

Game Name: Breath of Fire

md5sum: be205a4dc46d1ad31f26615ce3fd73b4!.mid
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Added by: Princess Peach Toadstool  Added: 1999-10-24

File URL is!.mid

Uploaded by:  (Dias)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Breath of Fire
Song Title: Alan and Cerl Forever (4)
Sequenced by: Dias Flac  Information: I think I got the instruments right on this one! I'm almost 100% positive!!Also, I don't know why some consider the song to be mainly for Alan and Cyril. Who cares about them? Sara is the bomb!  -Dias

(Yeah.  I know someone with that name who also rules...  :P  -Peach)

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Harpsichord B
Music Box Int
String Ensemble A
String Ensemble B
Synth Voice