Game Name: Mega Man X6
md5sum: c0e0307c4915ec825859b5863139ee7d URL is Upload Date and Time: 12/13/2003 14:18:00 Uploaded by: (David Easthope) Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Mega Man X6 Song Title: Megaman X Vs. Zero Nightmare Sequenced by: David Easthope Other Information: This is such a cool song. I wrote it in Anvil Studio using the Yamaha XG SoftSynthesizer, but it still sounds OK with most others. If you want the full experience, though, go to Yamaha's website and download the trial version of the synth. It sounds very cool. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 17 Delta Time Setting: 960 -Midi TrackName Analysis- Track 0 ---------------------------------------- X Versus Zero Megaman X6 (C) Capcom 2001 ---------------------------------------- Sounds Best With YAMAHA XG SoftSynthesizer ---------------------------------------- Written by David Easthope Track 3 2003 Funky Baseline ---------------------------------------- Composed in Anvil Studio 2003.05.03 ---------------------------------------- Track 7 Is it just me or can no one else get that intro bass line right? -Marker Analysis- Intro Song Start Strings Segment Melody Segment Electric Guitar Segment Dramatic Finale Ending