Game Name: Final Fantasy II
md5sum: c3ba86f10ae3655e77a579553205e763 by: Pong64 Added: 2000-08-19 File URL is Uploaded by: (Orkybash) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Final Fantasy II Song Title: The Prelude (Crystal Remix) Sequenced by: Orkybash Originally Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu Other Information: This music, of course, appears in every main Final Fantasy (not Mystic Quest or Tactics) in existence. I just arbitrarily chose Final Fantasy 4 (2 in the US). This is only the MIDI. I made an MP3 of this that sounds MUCH better, go to and visit the drive called "orkybash" Midi TrackName Analysis: Strings. Harp. Electric Guitar. Drums. Bass Thrums. Choir Piano Intro Brass