Winds across the Plains

Game Name: Fire Emblem

md5sum: c3df88c36b82fb5af0d7f416654aff49


Added by: Hunter-Zero  Added: 2004-11-25

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 06/23/2004 21:28:19

Uploaded by:  (Ed)

Game System: Piano Only - Gameboy Advance
Game Name: Fire Emblem
Song Title: Winds across the Plains
Sequenced by: Ed F
Other Information: This file was primarily created to be played on the piano, and my focus here was not to make the piece of music an impossibility to perform. Hopefully you can find a converter for sheet music. Otherwise, just enjoy the file itself. The tempo that this MIDI plays at is identical to the tempo used in the game (131 BPM).

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 3
Delta Time Setting: 192

-Text Analysis-
Generated by NoteWorthy Composer

-Copyright Event Analysis-

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Winds across the Plains
Right Hand
Left Hand