Game Name: Super Bomberman 2
md5sum: c7864f3c818f18f8736c4e4d1d95584a by: Pongball Added: 2004-05-04 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 03/08/2004 14:31:22 Uploaded by: (B1itz Lunar) Proxied for: Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Super Bomberman 2 Song Title: Battle Theme #2 Sequenced by: B1itz Lunar Song Originally Composed by: Yasuhiko Fukuda Other Information: I thought I'd complete the battle music set and have my name up by those other badboyz =). Don't ever ask me to do something like this again, it caused me serious mental anguish! -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 12 Delta Time Setting: 480 -Midi TrackName Analysis- "Battle Music #2" From Super Bomberman 2 (SNES) Sequenced by: B1itz Lunar 5th March - 8th March 2004 Designed for Yamaha XG Thank God this is finished.... Took ages. So glad it's done. I hope you enjoy it. Now lets not speak of it again! E-mail at the usual Name Analysis- GM Device 1 GM Device 2 GM Device 3 GM Device 4 GM Device 5 GM Device 6 GM Device 7 GM Device 8 GM Device 9 GM Device 10 GM Device 11 -Marker Analysis- Copyright 2004 B1itz Lunar