King George Island, Antarctica

Game Name: Tekken

md5sum: c89d01f2cbb79be782cbf9a3c25e0811


Added by: Dave Harris  Added: 2008-11-16

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 08/09/2008 14:38:22

Uploaded by:  (Joseph Collins)

Game System: Sony Playstation
Game Name: Tekken
Song Title: King George Island, Antarctica
Sequenced by: Joseph Collins
Other Information: I love this theme from the original Tekken.  It totally needs to be brought back and remixed in a
future Tekken game.  Seriously.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 12
Delta Time Setting: 96

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Tekken - "A Gleaming Hope in Frozen Wastes"
Originally by Kae Takayanagi, Yoshie Arakawa,
Shinji Hosoe, Takayuki Aihara, and Nobuyoshi Sano
This MIDI by Joseph Collins
"This is quite possibly the best track on the whole PS-X soundtrack for Tekken.
And the arcade version ain't too shabby, either, come to think of it...  I'm
happy I was able to make my MIDI version sound so good."
MIDI Series #3, MIDI File #59 -- Sequenced on 2008, August 9
Visit "Music of the Game II:  Caf De La Luna" for more MIDI goodness!
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