Game Name: Donkey Kong Country
md5sum: c8a567ede6faba297011eaf1b8105b08 by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 1999-12-18 File URL is Uploaded by: (James Shepherd) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Donkey Kong Country Song Title: Simian Segue Sequenced by: James Shepherd Information: Yes, I was the one who ended up having a big argument with peach and then my brother had a go too. The argument was my fault and so now I have re-sequenced my midi and come up with an alternative email address. Hopefully, the midi will be good enough this time. -Voodoo (Don't worry, I forgive you.......and thanks for coming up with a more acceptable address. -Peach) Midi TrackName Analysis: %00 J SHEP AKA%00 V-O-O-D-O-O%00 http://members.xoom.%00 com/VOODOO_SHIT%00 Track 6%00