Game Name: F-Zero
md5sum: ca040601eeba8d5c673c24de5ee41961 by: Dave Harris Added: 2009-06-28 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 05/11/2009 22:32:29 Uploaded by: (King Meteor) Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: F-Zero Song Title: Records (5) Sequenced by: King Meteor Other Information: Well, Blitz Lunar has confirmed that this MIDI is finally acceptable. Now it sounds pretty much like every other MIDI of this song on VGMusic, which isn't really what I wanted. If I knew it would end up sounding like this, I wouldn't have bothered to sequence it, but I might as well upload it now. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 8 Delta Time Setting: 960 -Midi TrackName Analysis- Track 0 Fretless Bass Fretless Bass (echo) Electric Piano 1 (High) Electric Piano 1 (High-Mid) Electric Piano 1 (Low-Mid) Electric Piano 1 (Low) "Records" from F-Zero, sequenced by King Meteor