Boss (2)

Game Name: Castlevania Dracula X

md5sum: ca407986547787309be0e6e48042ffd8


Added by: Pong64  Added: 2001-02-09

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Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Castlevania Dracula X
Song Title: Boss (2)
Sequenced by: Jorge D. Fuentes  Information: I don't know who is the original composer.  Also, this music piece is found on MANY games.  They are:  DraculaX-Rondo of Blood (PC Engine), Castlevania-DraculaX (SNES), Castlevania64 (N64), and Castlevania-Legacy of Darkness (N64).
You might have to copy the file.  It's essentially the same piece, not much changes between platforms.

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Generated by NoteWorthy Composer
1. StringChords, etc
1b. String Echoes
2. Recorder, etc.
3. Timpani, Brass, etc.
4. Strings, etc.
4b. Low String Echoes
5. Timpani Echo
6. Timpani
1. Percussion
2. Percussion
3. Percussion
by  Magus... IM-TGMagus