Be Prepared

Game Name: The Lion King (1993, 1994)

md5sum: cc7188fed118ee925f28610ffa7dd5be
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Upload Date and Time: 10/13/2012 08:17:00

Uploaded by:  (Pizzaking27)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: The Lion King (1993, 1994)
Song Title: Be Prepared
Sequenced by: Pizzaking27
Other Information: Some of my MIDIs have either been sitting on my hard drive for too long, or they've been done recently, but haven't been uploaded to VGMusic yet, so here it goes!

Like King Meteor thinks Yuffie's the most awesome character in Final Fantasy, I think the hyenas from the Lion King, Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed, are the most awesome characters in any Disney movie! (really, their hair was frizzy and Sonic-like! They also had really big voices)
I loved their musical number, and decided to sequence it from the videogame.
The sequence was quite a challenge, but it did go through very smooth sailing.
This MIDI isn't cakewalk, but it's pretty neat.

Sorry, no YouTube version, because this MIDI is more than 60 seconds long, and I have a demo version of MIDI Converter Studio, and I can't record for more than 60 seconds in the demo.
However, I can give you the original film version FROM YouTube:

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 10
Delta Time Setting: 120

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo

-Instrument Name Analysis-
The Lion King (1993, 1994): Be Prepared
Metal Marimba
No Frets
Tuba Toothpaste
Smack Bass (support for bass)
Synth Echo (intro)
Gameboy (support for Marimba)
8-bit (actually tribal in the original)