Game Name: Mega Man X
md5sum: cca4342eb73a8b4774fcbc1f83cc2990 by: The_Sorcerer Added: 2003-06-10 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 05/19/2003 19:31:04 Uploaded by: (Zero G) Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Mega Man X Song Title: Sigma Stage 1 (3) Sequenced by: Zero G Other Information: I'm so proud of this song, especially when it's so easy to remix. I put a few hardcore pieces together and still haven't sequenced this. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 17 Delta Time Setting: 192 -Text Analysis- By Geoffrey Verheij Generated by NoteWorthy Composer -Copyright Event Analysis- Copyright 2003 by VGM Society All Rights Reserved -Midi TrackName Analysis- Zero - Death Upon His Sacrifice Staff Staff-1 Staff-2 Staff-3 Staff-4 Staff-5 Staff-6 Staff-7 Staff-8 Staff-9 Staff-10 Staff-11 Staff-12 Staff-13 Staff-14 Staff-15