Game Name: Mega Man 9
md5sum: cf48623e722af9ba2108fc2b3fd67e48 comments powered by DisqusAdded by: Dave Harris Added: 2008-11-17 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 09/29/2008 13:41:12 Uploaded by: (Alan Ramirez) Game System: Nintendo Wii Game Name: Mega Man 9 Song Title: Jewel Man's Stage - "Jewel Temptation" (2) Sequenced by: Alan Ramirez Other Information: -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 9 Delta Time Setting: 96 -Midi TrackName Analysis- Alan Ramirez MIDI out MIDI out #2 MIDI out #3 MIDI out #7 MIDI out #6 MIDI out #5 MIDI out #4