Game Name: Final Fantasy III
md5sum: d165480791379d9a1bbc02676c59e77f by: Princess Peach Toadstool Added: 1998-09-08 File URL is Uploaded by: (King Melvyl) Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Final Fantasy III Song Title: Another World Of Beasts (3) Sequenced by: King Melvyl Originally Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu Other Information: This was my first midi ever ^_^ Midi TrackName Analysis: The Esper World Original version by Nobuo Uematsu Sequenced by: Xavier Dang ( King Melvyl ( Replies to everyone ) ==================================== Harp Flute Flute 2 Back Strings Fore Strings Piano Muted Bass Grand Piano Back Voices Soft Percussions Back Strings Fore Strings Piano Flute 2 Flute Harp ==================================== For General Midi and Awe64 (better) NOTE:If you own a Awe64, listen this one with Wave Synth/WG Midi (and 100%reverb) It will sound 100 times more beautiful!