King's Castle (2)

Game Name: Rockman & Forte (Japan)

md5sum: d1f7a6e37ff62d089746685d0c263cf6


Added by: nZero  Added: 2004-10-05

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 12/24/2003 12:42:35

Uploaded by:  (Cryogen Glacien)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Rockman & Forte (Japan)
Song Title: King's Castle (2)
Sequenced by: Cryogen Glacien
Song Originally Composed by: Capcom
Other Information: 
I'd like to see the drummer who could play this
song's percussion track in real life. And yes,
like it says in the file, Valerie and I have been
"officially" together for 2 years today ^_^ We're
living proof that long-distance relationships can
work, if you both have the will.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 18
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Track 0
Lead (Square)
Lead 1/16 Echo (Square)
Lead 1/8 Echo (Square)
Lead 2 (Tenor Sax)
Lead 2 1/16 Echo (Tenor Sax)
Lead 2 1/8 Echo (Tenor Sax)
Chords 1 (Nylon Guitar)
Chords 2 (Nylon Guitar)
Track 7
Chords 3 (Nylon Guitar)
Track 7
Percussion (GM Kit)
Main Bass (Picked Electric Bass)
Deep Bass (Fretless Bass)
Track 11
King's Castle from Rockman and Forte
Sequenced to MIDI By Cryogen Glacien on 12/24/03
Happy Holidays to All
And Happy 2nd Anniversary to myself and my love, Valerie ^_^
Email me at: