Game Name: Pushover
md5sum: d40ed5fc880ce076d71bd6c24a873325 by: nZero Added: 2002-10-21 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 10/12/2002 13:57:28 Uploaded by: (CtrlAltDestroy) Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Pushover Song Title: World 9: Japanese Temple Sequenced by: CtrlAltDestroy Other Information: This song is very long but it is cool. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 6 Delta Time Setting: 192 -Text Analysis- By CtrlAltDestroy Generated by NoteWorthy Composer -Copyright Event Analysis- none none -Midi TrackName Analysis- Pushover: World 9: Japanese Level Pushover: World 9 Japanese Temple By CtrlAltDestroy Finished Oct. 12 '02 Enjoy!