Game Name: Star Fox
md5sum: d4f53d526344d99e7d8381eaa5adea6c by: Mark Jansen Added: 2001-08-16 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 07/25/2001 00:10:01 Uploaded by: (Double Zero) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Star Fox Song Title: End Theme (All 3 Movements and Fanfare) Sequenced by: Double Zero Originally Composed by: Hajime Hirasawa Other Information: [V2.0] Fanfare and First Movement completely re-sequenced. Third Movement is updated. Midi TrackName Analysis: Flute/ Piccolo Oboe Horn/ Echo Glock. Trumpet Trombone 1 Trombone 2 Tuba Timpani Strings 1 Strings 2 Strings 3 Strings 4 Percussion 1 Percussion 2 Mallet Percussion Tempo