Game Name: UFO: Enemy Unknown
md5sum: d93a0512cbfcaece3fecb5abb8900e6d by: ForteBlast Added: 2003-01-21 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 11/09/2002 07:02:06 Uploaded by: (Peter Smith) Proxied for: Game System: Commodore Amiga Game Name: UFO: Enemy Unknown Song Title: Interceptor Theme (Heavy Remix) Sequenced by: Peter Smith Other Information: This is just a simple version of the Interceptor theme from UFO. It's only very partly a remix; it doesn't have much to do with the original, but it keeps the main riff intact generally. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 0 Number of Tracks: 1 Delta Time Setting: 960 -Text Analysis- Peter Smith (remix) Microprose (original) HThis is a simple reworking of the Interceptor Theme from UFO: Enemy Unknown. It doesn't sound much like it at all, but I suppose Done all by ear :) Tell me what you think at Event Analysis- Copyright 2002 by Peter Smith and 1994 Microprose -Midi TrackName Analysis- Interceptor Remix Very different remix to Interceptor Theme of UFO: Enemy Unknown