Game Name: Cave Story
md5sum: dd060013940ace72860bfd1e7d4a7aa1 comments powered by DisqusAdded by: Dave Harris Added: 2007-01-27 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 08/14/2005 22:50:45 Uploaded by: (Connor Pelkey (Cyril)) Game System: Windows Game Name: Cave Story Song Title: Ending 2 - "Breakdown" (Orchestral Rock Mix) Sequenced by: Connor Pelkey (Cyril) Other Information: Entirely by ear! Not in correct key though, I wanted it to be playable. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 9 Delta Time Setting: 960 -Text Analysis- Someone Else -Copyright Event Analysis- Copyright 2004 by -Midi TrackName Analysis- Breakdown: Orchestral Rock Mix Sequenced and Remixed by Connor Pelkey (Cyril) Contrabass Cello Viola Violin Overdrive Standard Kit Fingered Bass