Prehistoric Turtlesaurus (v1.1)

Game Name: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4: Turtles in Time

md5sum: de1abde4c0faf76aa8050c84e9da7627


Added by: The_Sorcerer  Added: 2004-09-25

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 09/21/2004 02:50:04

Uploaded by:  (Pongball)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4: Turtles in Time
Song Title: Prehistoric Turtlesaurus  (v1.1)
Sequenced by: Pongball  Originally Composed by: K. Uehara & H. Uekoh
Other Information: Version 1.1.  I always wondered why this midi
sounded so empty, until I finally realized that I'd
forgotten to layer the brass at two different 
octaves like I did with all my other TMNT4 midis.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 15
Delta Time Setting: 120

-Text Analysis-
Sequenced by: Pongball

-Midi TrackName Analysis-

TMNT4: Turtles in Time
Prehistoric Turtlesaurus
Composed by:
K. Uehara and H. Uekoh
Sequenced by:
Shannon Mason  1.1
Completed June 7, 2004